The Centre for Spiritual Living Red Deer is ready to receive financial abundance from all sources.
Your tax-deductible donation will help us achieve our vision of touching and transforming 100,000,000 lives or more by providing spiritual tools to help transform our personal lives and make the world a better place.
You can make a donation to Centre Spiritual Living Red Deer in several ways:
1. PayPal (Clicking on the "DONATE" button on top menu)
2. Call our office at 403.342.4905
3. Mail to:
Centre for Spiritual Living Red Deer
Box 28075, Highland Green
Red Deer, Alberta, T4N 7C2
We mail tax receipts annually, before the end of February. If you require a recipe at a different time please contact the office at 403-342-4905.
We honour you and thank you for your generosity and your consciousness of giving. We stand united knowing that your gift does good work in the world and is returned to you multiplied.
Thank you for your support!