The Centre for Spiritual LivingTM Red Deer Practitioners support our spiritual community in a variety of ways:
- Prayer support before and after Sunday Services.
- Responding via written and phone prayer requests.
The above services are provided as a gift to our spiritual community.
Practitioners are the healing arm of the spiritual community. Their charge is to recognize the presence of Spirit in all people and all things through affirmative prayer. Practitioners are available by appointment on a fee basis to assist you if there is a challenge in your life.
Practitioners also receive prayer requests via phone. There is no charge for this but donations are welcomed and appreciated to help cover the costs.
You can fill out a written request for prayer whenever you have a need and drop it in the collection box each Sunday. These are prayed upon by the practitioners for one week.
A session with a Practitioner provides a safe, nurturing environment for you to explore your spiritual practices and current beliefs that you would like to change. You are provided with the opportunity to co-create a “new” thought in your life that allows you to change your thinking and change your life
Please feel free to call for support. When we help you we help ourselves - we are all One.